On a hot summer day, three children from a village in Antalya go to a fountain gutter, but realise it is too small to find refreshment. They dream of swimming in a big lake they can see from their village. While they are enjoying the magical view of the lake from afar, they decide to go there on their bikes. But the ride will not be as simple as they had in mind. The film was inspired by the travelogues of the Antalyan mystical poet Mevlana-Celaleddin-i-Rumi, the director’s childhood memories, and existential issues.
My Short Words

About the director Bekir Bülbül
Bekir Bülbül turski je redatelj i scenarist, a Na putu do jezera je njegov dugometražni prvijenac. Kako nisu mogli dobiti državnu financijsku potporu za snimanje filma, redatelj i njegova žena odlučili su uložiti sav novac koji su dobili od obitelji i prijatelja kao poklon za vjenčanje. Sa sićušnim budžetom od 4000 eura uspjeli su završiti film, a novopečeni supružnici medeni mjesec proveli su na filmskom setu.
Festivals and awards: Zlín Film Festival (Czech Republic) 2018, Istanbul Film Festival (Turkey) 2018, Kosova Film Festival (Kosovo) 2018 – Best Film Award, Religion Today Film Festival (Italy) 2018 – Best Film Award
Main Hall